Daily Lift – March 13th, 2018

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men (1 Thessalonians 5:14).

In one sentence, the Lord sums up four habits
that will make for a healthy church. These
four commands (not suggestions) focus on four
groups in the church who need our attention.

“Admonish the disorderly.” Literally, put in mind
a warning to those marching out of step. Do we?
“Encourage the fainthearted.” Literally, call
alongside and console those who have lost
heart and want to quit. Do we?

“Uphold the weak.” Literally, hold on to and
support those who are without strength in
their faith. Do we?

“Be patient with all.” Literally, be long in
holding out your temper. Do we? A healthy
church depends on me!

The book Meditations Of My Heart (from which this daily devotional is taken) is available / can be ordered from Sain Publications (931-363-6905 or email psain@sainpublications.com