Abandoned Truth
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Our Savior remarked at the Tenth of Luke’s Gospel that He saw Satan fall as lightning from Heaven. It appears to have been prior to the dawn of terrestrial time when he did so, for throughout recorded history Satan has been to humanity the adversary that earned him his name. It is necessary that the devil’s tenacity be met with the greater quality in spiritual men. Even so, it is righteous persistence itself that has oft been the tempter’s target; for if he may defeat the defenses of the righteous, he may run amok at will. Though there is regarded to be safety in numbers, those numbers are valuable in opposition to Satan only to the degree that all remain in perfect alliance with the Savior Himself. Those not with the Lord are against Him, and those not gathering with Him are scattering abroad; and those choosing the company of such are serving the devil’s purpose. Let a man be found on the side of right, abandoning those who have abandoned truth.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater