Daily Lift – March 10, 2017

A Confirmed Truth

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At Hebrews the sixth chapter, the writer reflects upon the need men have realized to be assured of the truth of any testimony dealing with important things. At verses sixteen through eighteen, God is shown to be even more willing than man to confirm the truth of His testimony concerning eternal and spiritual things.

At Titus the third chapter, the theme of confirmed and certified truth is continued. At verse eight, Paul introduces what he is about to write as being a faithful saying. Because we’re taught with that not to doubt the wisdom about to be imparted, Paul adds that it should be affirmed constantly. Many times, we resent having things repeated to us often, as Paul here advises we should be subject to repetition of truth.

However, things of no relative importance are invited into our ears on a daily basis, such as music, and we listen to our favorite numbers over and over. Certainly we should desire the repeating of the truth that makes us free. What Paul here says should be affirmed constantly is that they which believed in God should be careful to maintain good works.

To be sure, this admonition seems simple enough. I, for one, am not surprised to realize that Christians should manifest their dedication with good works. However, perhaps the strength of emphasis should be placed not on the works, but on the adjective "good". You see, brethren have been known to maintain works which were not necessarily good for the church or the Lord’s cause.

Revelation chapter three shows this to have been true about the church at Laodicea. At verses fourteen through nineteen, Jesus Himself revealed knowledge of the works of the church there, so we know the brethren weren’t idle. However, Jesus described the Laodiceans as being lukewarm about what they did that is, not zealous about their efforts. Additional comments made them appear over confident about the success and worth of what they had done. Thus, Paul’s plea not just for works, but for good works, becomes clearer and more appreciated. As he wrote concerning this true ideal, these things are good and profitable unto men, and to be affirmed constantly so that we forget them not.


Written By: David Hayes Prophater
Recorded By: David Hayes Prophater