S4E6: Habakkuk: Minor Prophet, Major Message | Part 1

Why does God allow evil things to happen in this world? Are we allowed to question God the way Habakkuk did? Is there a reason for why our society is the way it is? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.

Resources Mentioned In The Podcast (And More)


12 Video Series on The Minor Prophets – Eddie Parish

Does God “Look on Wickedness” or Not? Eric Lyons


Download | The Authentic Christian Devotional Workbook


Habakkuk 1:2 – A Challenge to God

The Righteous Shall Live By Faith

Does God Look on Wickedness?

Psalm 73, The Challenge of Righteousness

Babylon, Humbled By God Jeremiah 50:24-32

What Was The Neo-Babylonian Empire?

Uncovering the Bible’s Buried Civilizations: The Assyrians