Daily Lift – August 11, 2023

Washed in the Blood

Modern shoes are based upon a design that is more than four centuries old. The sandal, however, dates back thousands of years. Protecting only the sole of the foot, the feet became soiled as one walked the dusty way. Hosts often washed the feet of their guests or at least provided the water for them to do so. At the First of Mark, John the Baptist expressed his unworthiness to so much as loosen the latchet of the Savior’s sandals, presumably to wash the Master’s feet, though such was a most humble service to render. At the Third of Matthew, John also declared himself unworthy to administer baptism to the Savior, though doing so fulfilled all righteousness. If John the Baptist was unworthy to wash or baptize the Savior, how unworthy are we to be washed in the blood?

Written by David Hayes Prophater