Daily Lift – August 18, 2023

On Our Behalf

The Seventh of Hebrews assures us that Jesus is able to the uttermost to save those who have come to God by Him, for He ever lives to make intercession for them. While Paul had written at the Third of Romans about the remission of sins that are past, Hebrews Seven points to the continual intercession of Christ on behalf of redeemed ones. At First John One, those that walk with the Lord in the spiritual light where He is are promised that the blood of Jesus Christ will continue to cleanse them from all sin. God requires that we be honest enough with Him to acknowledge and confess those faults before Him in order to be cleansed of unrighteousness. These assurances are not provided in order to give license to sin. Rather, they are given in the interest of avoiding sin, while yet trusting in the advocacy of Christ on our behalf.

Written by David Hayes Prophater