Daily Lift – August 30, 2023

Obliged to Make Known

The ministry of the apostle Paul may have spanned indeterminately more than thirty years. At the Third of Ephesians, Paul declared that the purpose of his work was to make all men know the unsearchable riches of Christ, though those things had been formerly a mystery. A portion of that previously unrevealed mystery was the fellowship of Jew and Gentile in the common body of the Church. The American Standard Version of the Scriptures indicates that it was to be by the Church that would be made known the manifold wisdom of God unto not only men, but heavenly principalities and powers; this, by both the Church’s doctrine of truth and its very existence as a fulfillment of prophecy. The Church is obliged to know, and know well, what it is obliged to make known.

Written by David Hayes Prophater