Daily Lift – January 30, 2024

Kingdom That is Now Here

At the Third of Matthew, we are told that John the Baptist called upon his audiences to repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. At the Fourth of Matthew, Jesus began His ministry by preaching the identical message. When the Savior sent the apostles to the lost sheep of the house of Israel at the Tenth of Matthew and the Sixth of Mark, the sum total of their message was, again, that men should repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The Kingdom is that of the Church, to which penitent ones, obedient to the Gospel, were first added at the Second of Acts, A.D. 33, in Jerusalem. If repentance was so necessary in the first century to prepare for the Kingdom that was at hand, how much more important is repentance to prepare for the Kingdom that is now here?

Written by David Hayes Prophater