Let Him Ask of God
Prophets were those to whom God revealed His word, and who, in turn, spoke for God by relaying that information to their audiences. As one of the Minor Prophets, Habakkuk is known for not only speaking for God, but speaking to Him as he inquired “why” and “how” of the events of his era. One of the things he learned is recorded in the Second Chapter of his prophecy. At Verse Four appear the words , the just shall live by faith. ” Though we know nothing of to whom Habakkuk was born nor even where, his words were quoted no fewer than three times in the epistles. We are blessed for the prophet’s inquisitive nature, for, in seeking information from God, we still benefit from what he learned. At the Tenth of Romans Paul wrote at verse Seventeen that faith comes from the Word of God. Our own faith cannot but grow as we seek, like Habakkuk, to know more from the mind of God. As we are taught at the First of James, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God. ..”
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Written and voiced by David H. Prophater