More Greatly Esteemed
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Folks have often regarded as normal that which is common among them. Yet, in His Sermon on the Mount, the Savior taught us at Matthew Six not to be like those who gave alms to be seen of others, not to be like those who prayed to be heard of others, and not to be like those who fasted to impress others. These things must have been commonly done, else the Lord would not have so mentioned them. However, none of those things were to be regarded as an acceptable norm. For this cause, Paul taught the Corinthian church at Second Corinthians Six to distinguish itself from them unrighteous, those in spiritual darkness, Belial, infidels, and idolators. Such is a condition of being regarded as the children of God. Water shares the qualities of the streams through which it flows. The children of God are to receive great credit for being unique in the world, for what is less expected is the more greatly esteemed.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater