Episode 1: Do I Have to Be Baptized to Be Saved?
Do you have to be baptized? What did the New Testament Christians do? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 2: Once Saved Always Saved?
Is the “Once Saved, Always Saved” doctrine biblically accurate? Can a Christian lose their salvation? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 3: Why Do Catholics Baptize Infants?
Why do Catholics baptize infants? Is baptizing infants biblical? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 4: Why Do I Have to Confess My Sins to a Priest?
Do we have to confess our sins to a Priest? Can we pray directly to God to ask for forgiveness? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 5: The Sinner’s Prayer?
Have you ever wondered if the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? How are modern day Christians saved? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 6: What about Same-Sex Marriage?
What does the Bible say about Homosexuality? Are same-sex marriages against God’s will? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 7: Do You Only Have to Just Believe?
To become a Christian, do you only have to believe? Are there more steps to salvation? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Should we keep the Sabbath Day? What about the 10 Commandments? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 9: Does The church of Christ Teach a False Works Based Gospel?
Does the church of Christ teach a works based Gospel? Is obedience required to be a Christian? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
What is purgatory? Is it a real place? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 11: Where did Satan Come From?
Who is Satan? Have you ever wondered where he came from? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 12: Is Jesus Really God?
Is Jesus truly fully man and fully God? Was He just a good man or a prophet and not deity? Let’s break down today’s submitted video.
Episode 13: False Teaching About the Church of Christ: Part One
Part One: Join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down false accusations against the church of Christ and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 14: False Teaching About the Church of Christ: Part Two
Part Two: Join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down false accusations against the church of Christ and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 15: False Teaching About the Church of Christ: Part Three
Part Three: Join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down false accusations against the church of Christ and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 16: False Teaching About the Church of Christ: Part Four
Part Four: Join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down false accusations against the church of Christ and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 17: Do I Have To Be Baptized: Part One
In part one, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down the question, “Do I have to be baptized?” and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 18: Do I Have To Be Baptized: Part Two
In part two, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down the question, “Do I have to be baptized?” and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 19: Do I Have To Be Baptized: Part Three
In part three, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down the question, “Do I have to be baptized?” and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 20: Do I Have To Be Baptized: Part Four
In part four, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down the question, “Do I have to be baptized?” and give biblical proof for the truth.
Episode 21: Is the Church of Christ a Cult? Part One
In part one, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down an Apologia Studios podcast titled “Cultish” that discusses several thoughts on the beliefs of the Church of Christ.
Episode 22: Is the Church of Christ a Cult? Part Two
In part two, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down an Apologia Studios podcast titled “Cultish” that discusses several thoughts on the beliefs of the Church of Christ.
Episode 23: Is the Church of Christ a Cult? Part Three
In part three, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down an Apologia Studios podcast titled “Cultish” that discusses several thoughts on the beliefs of the Church of Christ.
Episode 24: Is the Church of Christ a Cult? Part Four
In part four, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down an Apologia Studios podcast titled “Cultish” that discusses several thoughts on the beliefs of the Church of Christ.
Episode 25: Is the Church of Christ a Cult? Part Five
In part five, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down an Apologia Studios podcast titled “Cultish” that discusses several thoughts on the beliefs of the Church of Christ.
Episode 26: Is the Church of Christ a Cult? Part Six
In part six, join Don Blackwell and Aaron Gallagher as they break down an Apologia Studios podcast titled “Cultish” that discusses several thoughts on the beliefs of the Church of Christ.