Keep His Commandments
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At the Tenth of Matthew, the Savior admonished His disciples not to fear them which are able to kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; but rather, they were to fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. In a single passage, the Lord has presented two very different types of fear. The first has reference to being afraid of someone or something that appears to pose a threat. Jehovah does not desire that His children should be afraid of Him, for His angel told the shepherds of Luke Two not to fear. Such fear would belie the relationship He desires to have with us. Although God is able to destroy body and soul in hell, He wants us not to be afraid of Him but to fear Him in the sense of reverence and awe. For this cause, Solomon wrote at the Twelfth of Ecclesiastes that the whole duty of man was to fear God and keep His commandments.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater