Daily Lift – August 28, 2023

Meekly Receive the Word

The First of James teaches us that it is with meekness that we are to receive the Word of God and that it is the message of that Word which is able to save us. However, one must prepare himself to receive the Word by repenting and being rid of moral filth and evil. In so doing, one takes some of his first steps toward being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer. The Fifth of Hebrews reminds us that even the Savior was obedient to His Father’s will, even unto the suffering He endured. As a result, He is the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him. While redemption was not available without the Savior’s obedience, it is now not possible without our own. Further, we know not what to obey, nor how, unless we meekly receive the Word.

Written by David Hayes Prophater