Call Them Blessed
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The work of Malachi the prophet dated approximately four hundred years before Christ. The people of his day had become guilty of dishonoring marriage in more than a single manner. Not only had the people of God joined themselves to idolaters but had also become unfaithful to the sacred marital union by divorce and dealing treacherously with the mates of their youth. Through Malachi, God also charged the priests with unfaithfulness to their duties and warned of a curse to come upon them, even as He had cursed them already. Further, the people had polluted the altar by the offering of lame, blind, and sick animals and sacrifices. Many robbed God by withholding any tithe or offering at all. If the people of Malachi’s day felt inadequately blessed, these were the reasons. Yet, should they repent, Jehovah promised them a delightsome land with fruitful crops. If they would honor the God they had thus far dishonored, the Lord promised that even other nations would call them blessed.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater