Do So unto Others
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At the Fifteenth of the Psalms, David wrote of numerous virtues characteristic of those whose abode is with the Lord. Among these are the avoidance of backbiting and doing evil to or taking up a reproach against a neighbor. Interestingly, “backbiting” and “blasphemy” are similarly defined. Blasphemy generally describes the crime of those who speak injuriously against God, while backbiting is the offense of speaking against another person. Though the Almighty cannot be harmed by blasphemous men who harm only themselves, individuals may be harmed indeed by those who speak unkindly of them, generally in their absence. At the First of Romans, Paul included backbiters among those of a reprobate mind who seemed to hate God. If we desire of others to treat us with kindness and favor, the Savior taught that we must do so unto others.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater