Ahead, Not Behind
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When in the running of a race, competitors may be encouraged to look only forward while concentrating on the finish line, rather than glancing back over the shoulder to see how closely others in the race may be following. At the Third of Philippians, Paul the apostle said he endeavored to forgot what was behind him while reaching forward to the spiritual goals that lay ahead. What couold distract Paul from behind was the sinful past he had abandoned. Because sin is Divinely forgotten as it is Divinely forgiven, those who are forgiven of sin should be just as willing as God is to forget it. It was now the ultimate prize that Paul sought to apprehend. Because he had yet to do so, he continued to press toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. It is a mind-set that the apostle highly recommended, for he taught all those in pursuit of the same goal of perfection to take the same approach as he That goal is ahead, not behind.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater