The Proper Question –
Christianity places a great deal of emphasis on the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Such is more than proper, for therein is the atonement for the sins of the world. However, equally important is the resurrection of Christ, for therein is the victory over sin, and over death which is the wage of sin. For these causes, one can almost hear the exasperation in the voice of the apostle Paul when he asked, at First Corinthians Fifteen, how that some who were regarded as members of the Church and of the redeemed could ever assert that there was no resurrection of the dead. If they had been correct, the consequences would have been unspeakably catastrophic. For example, Christ would still be in the tomb, both the Gospel and faith in it were useless, Paul would have been preaching a lie, sinners were still in sin, and deceased believers were lost. Fortunately for us all, Christ did emerge from the tomb, and those dead to sin may follow Him there in the watery grave of baptism, rising again to newness of life as did He. The proper question is not whether the Savior is risen, but whether we are.
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Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater