The following statement is typical of many that we hear: “There is one God and one Lord Jesus Christ. There is only one Bible. Why are there so many different…
The following statement is typical of many that we hear: “There is one God and one Lord Jesus Christ. There is only one Bible. Why are there so many different…
Men have always wanted future generations to remember the things they have done. They make statues, paintings, and monuments of important events in their lives. They hope these will remind…
Thousands of years ago a preacher of God lived among sinful people. This preacher preached for more than one hundred years to these wicked people about the coming punishment by…
By definition, sin is “lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4). All accountable human beings are guilty of sin. The Apostle Paul wrote: “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of…
The church of Christ, which is the kingdom of Christ, is the greatest institution in all the world! It was built by Jesus Christ Himself (Matthew 16:18). It was purchased…