Daily Lift – January 03, 2017

A Brush With Fame

Have you ever had a brush with fame? I had a professor in college who used to tell, in great detail, how he once sat next to Elizabeth Taylor on a flight. A Christian lady whom I once knew liked to tell how Tex Ritter came to her door after having an automobile accident, wanting to use her phone. Even my wife likes to tell of once sharing a bathroom mirror with Dr. Joyce Brothers. Many of you have similar accounts. I know, I’ve seen your pictures on Facebook! There’s just something about having a close encounter with a notable person. Those brief encounters remain with us for a lifetime, and we tell our story over and over again to all who will listen.
But now, here’s the thought. For those of you who are Christians, the Creator of this universe is your Heavenly Father. He’s not just your Master, he’s your Father (Galatians 4:6). You’re not just his servant, you’re his child (1 John 3:1).
Imagine that! Let that soak in! In God, you’ve had more than a “brush with fame,” you’re actually his child! Let that story be a lifelong story that you tell over and over to all who will listen!


Written By: Steve Higginbotham
Recorded By: David Hayes Prophater

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