Daily Lift – April 2, 2019

The Royal Law

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Among the most basic of moral and character lessons that we teach to our little ones is that of unselfishness. This virtue is often learned with the sharing of toys and other things. The fact that such lessons are taught and learned on the preschool level does not make those lessons childish. Many of mature years have failed to learn them very well. The Fifty-Sixth of Isaiah reveals that those who should have been looking out for Israel’s well-being had failed at their duty for the cause of selfishness. The apostle Paul, at Romans Fifteen, called for strong Christians to maintain a greater concern for the weak than for themselves. Similarly, the Philippians were taught to have greater concern for others than self. The Second of James recalls the statute of loving neighbor as self and gives one of the greatest honors to this aspect of unselfishness when the writer refers to it as “the royal law.”

Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater