Daily Lift – April 6, 2019

Already Been Before

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It was the Seventh of Acts where Stephen boldly told an angry audience that they had resisted the Holy Ghost as their fathers had done. Just as their ancestors had persecuted and slain the prophets, Stephen told his audience that they had betrayed and murdered the Son of God. About a millennium prior, Solomon had written that there is no new thing under the sun, for that which is has already been and will be again. So it was with Zechariah, the fourteenth king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Second Kings Fifteen records that Zechariah did evil in the sight of the Lord as his fathers had done. After only six months on the throne, he was slain before the people by Shallum, who then reigned in his stead. History repeated itself again when, after reigning only a month, Shallum was slain by Menahem, who usurped the throne. To be certain, what shall be hath already been before.

Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater