Do You Want the Truth?
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When King Ahab of Israel decided to launch attack against the Syrians, he and King Jehoshaphat of Judah inquired of the prophets concerning the wisdom of the plan. Zedekiah, in concert with about four hundred others, prophesied the Syrians’ defeat. When Jehoshaphat inquired whether anyone else could be consulted, Ahab said there remained yet Micaiah, whom he hated, for the prophet never spoke good, but only evil concerning the king. A messenger was sent to bring Micaiah, who coached the prophet to agree with the others. At first Micaiah told the king what he wanted to hear, then told him the truth; Israel would be defeated an lose their master, Ahab. Micaiah was ordered imprisoned for his prophecy, though every word of it proved to be true and accurate. When it comes to your soul’s destiny, do you want to hear what you want to hear, or do you want the truth?
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater