Thoughts of the Wise
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It seems impossible that a person’s mind should ever be totally void of thought. Even in our sleep, our mind becomes occupied with dreams. If the mind is to be constantly busied with something, then it should be of the best business possible. Paul taught the Philippian Church to think on things that were true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. To do so is to give conscious consideration to the things that matter most, while the foolish squander mental energy on that which matters the least; and for this the latter will come to grief, having never learned half the lessons of greater benefit. The habit of spiritual conscious meditation is even an assist to the unconscious visions of the night. The Fifth of Ephesians admonishes to walk circumspectly. They who do so consider all related facts of every circumstance before their course of action is decided and taken. The deeds of the righteous are preceded by the thoughts of the wise.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater