Generations Yet to Come
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Any generation has the power with its own deeds to affect generations yet to come. In the sermon that cost him his life at the Seventh of Acts, Stephen described his audience as resisting the Holy Ghost and doing as their fathers had done. In the Second Commandment, Jehovah warned of the visiting of iniquity of idolaters unto the third and fourth generations. As a result of his respect for King David’s wishes that Solomon should ascend to the throne, Zadok and his descendants assumed the High Priesthood in the stead of Abiathar. More than four centuries later, it was through the prophet Ezekiel that God was still making positive acknowledgment of the service of priests descended from Zadok. Shortly before His arrest and crucifixion, the Savior addressed the scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites, as the children of those who slew the prophets, and as those who filled up the measure of their fathers. Whether for good or evil, we affect generations yet to come.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater