If We Are Shining as Lights, It Will be Seen in our Appearance
Paul reminded the Christians at Philippi that they were to shine as lights (Phil. 2:15). If we are shining as lights, we will be blameless or without defect. Blameless does not mean sinless. Instead, it implies faithfulness (Luke 1:6). If we are shining as lights, we will be harmless or without mixture of deceit. Our Lord gave the dove as an illustration of harmlessness (Mat. 10:16). If we are shining as lights, we will act like the sons of God. He has blessed us so immensely that we can be called His sons (1 John 3:1). What does it say about what we think of God’s love when we don’t act like His children? If we are shining as lights, we will be without rebuke. Being without rebuke includes the idea of being unblameable (2 Pet. 3:14). Finally, if we are shining as lights, we will stand out from the world around us. Christians are the salt of the earth and are to shine as lights to the world, so that the Father may be glorified (Mat. 5:13-16). We live in this world, but we are not to live like the people of this world (Eph. 5:1-11). Let’s shine as lights today, so that we bring glory to our Father in Heaven.
Written by Jameson Steward