When We Suffer, Focus on Others
We all suffer in this life. In Philippians 1:12-14, Paul provides us with an example for what or who to focus on when we suffer. What was Paul’s focus when in prison and enduring trials? Paul could have focused on his imprisonment, but instead, he focused on the furtherance of the Gospel, just as the other apostles did when they were beaten (Acts 5:40-42). Paul’s imprisonment was known even in the palace (Phil. 4:22). He understood what it meant to be a light for Christ (Mat. 5:13-16). His mission was to take the Gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 26:15-20). Not only did Paul focus on the furtherance of the Gospel, but he also focused on those who were encouraged by his steadfastness. He practiced what he preached (1 Cor. 15:58). Paul continued to encourage others to remain steadfast (Phil. 4:1). So what about our focus during times of suffering? We should focus on what we can do to help spread the Gospel, instead of focusing on our limitations (Mark 16:15; 12:41-44). We should focus on those who we can help encourage, instead of focusing on those that perhaps we cannot help. Remember the words of our Lord, “She hath done what she could” (Mark 14:6-9). When we go through trials, let’s do what we can to spread the Gospel, and to help encourage each other.
Written by Jameson Steward