Build Your Tower
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At the Fourteenth of Luke’s Gospel, the Savior began at Verse Twenty Eight an illustration of a man who intended to build a tower. Prudently, he would first be certain he had assembled the resources necessary to complete it before beginning the project. Otherwise, his failure to complete it would become a greater shame than never beginning. The Lord’s message is not to be construed as discouraging the building of the tower. Rather, the message is to prepare one’s self to build it indeed, and bring it to completion. The text preceding the parable quotes the Savior as requiring His disciples to have greater affection for Him than for earthly loved ones. Further, the following of Christ would present a cross of responsibility that must be borne. The nature of that cross will vary from person to person, based upon the abilities with which one is endowed. Further, that cross must not be laid down until carried to the end of the way. Defer not to take your cross, nor to build your tower.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater