Seven Sages of Greece
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During the early to mid-Seventeenth Century, it was believed that more knowledge and experience was necessary to establish a single wise person than was required for the Seven Sages of Ancient Greece. That is a rather bold statement, considering those seven lived during the Sixth Century B.C. No one in the Seventeenth Century could have made a very accurate comparison. None the less, God has made available to everyone the single greatest source of wisdom ever known. At Second Timothy Three, Paul the Apostle noted that the Holy Scriptures make one wise unto salvation, and that even a child could know them. At First Corinthians One, Paul indicated that if it were possible for God to be foolish, and such is not possible, Jehovah would still be wiser than man. It is this all wise God that has provided us the Gospel that Paul said at Romans One is the power of the Lord unto salvation. Though that Gospel gives wisdom to men through the Word of Redemption today, it could not have been known by the Seven Sages of Greece.
Written and voiced by David Hayes Prophater