Season 5

Episode 25: The Greatest Gift Part 1
In this episode of the podcast, Scott and Aaron talk about baptism, described as the greatest gift you can ever receive. They discuss the meaning, the role in a believer’s life, and the transformation it represents. Using Scripture, they explain how baptism symbolizes rebirth and a commitment to follow Christ.

Episode 24: The Conversion of the Apostle Paul
In this episode of the podcast Scott and Aaron review the scriptures pertaining to the conversion of the apostle Paul. What steps did Paul take to become a Christian?

Episode 23: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Join Scott and Aaron, as they delve into a thought-provoking discussion on the ethics and morality of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Grounded in biblical principles they explore the spiritual, ethical, and emotional dimensions of IVF, balancing faith with the complexities of modern science. Whether you’re navigating these decisions personally or seeking a deeper understanding of Christian perspectives on life and technology, this episode offers respectful dialogue and meaningful insights for believers and curious minds alike.

Episode 7: Evil, Pain, Suffering & Lessons from Job
There are lots of evil things that happen in this world and many people will use that as a reason they don’t believe in God. Join Aaron and Scott in this episode as they focus on “what about for those of us who believe the Bible is God’s word, how do we deal with the problem of evil pain and suffering. The best place to start with that is in the beginning in the Book of Genesis.
Season 4
Episode 26: The Nation Of Israel According to Scriptures | Part Two
In the final episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast Season Four, Aaron and Scott wrap up the discussion of The Nation of Israel According to Scripture. Do we as Christians have an obligation to support Israel? How should we show our support to Israel? Grab your Bible and follow along with Aaron and Scott in today’s episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 25: The Nation Of Israel According to Scriptures | Part One
Grab your Bible and follow along with Aaron and Scott in today’s episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast. This week they will look at what the Bible says about the promises God made to Abraham and his descendants, the nation of Israel. How should this frame our approach to current events transpiring around the world?
Episode 24: Questions and Answers Part 6
The last episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast with Questions and Answers. In this episode, Aaron and Scott will review some Q&As from a youth event. They will look into questions like, “What do I do if I am pulled away from God?”, “How do I get my friends into Jesus?”, “How do we trust the bible since it was written by man and translated several times?”, and many more!
Episode 23: Questions and Answers Part 5
Another episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast with Questions and Answers. This week, Aaron and Scott dig deep into questions: “Is the Bible a living document?” and “Is being a great example the best way of showing Christianity, or do I need to do more?” and more!
Episode 22: Questions and Answers Part 4
Aaron and Scott dig deep into a question about a man’s sin that led to many negative events in his life. They also answer several other questions such as, why is it hard to get people to be better spiritually? When am I ready to be baptized? Tune in for the answers on this week’s episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast!
Episode 21: Questions and Answers Part 3
We are BACK with another Questions and Answers from The Authentic Christian Podcast!
Episode 20: When To Cut Off Your Hand
Today, Aaron, Scott, and Matt will discuss Matthew 5:27-30. What does it mean to “cut off your hand”? Follow along on The Authentic Christian Podcast with your Bibles open and learn more about protecting your heart!
Episode 19: How to Reach Your Social Media Followers with the Gospel
Social Media can be used for good, so why not use it to spread the Gospel? Aaron, Scott, and Matt will discuss different ways we can evangelize different ways and how we can use Social Media to spread the Gospel! Follow along with your Bibles on another episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast!
Episode 18: Restoring the Church | Part Two
Matt Wallin is back with Aaron and Scott in this week’s episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast as they continue discussing restoring God’s kingdom, the church!
Episode 17: Restoring the Church | Part One
Join Aaron, Scott, and special guest Matt Wallin from House to House Heart to Heart this week! Matt leads this discussion as they go through the Old Testament to the New Testament on how God established His church. Follow along with your Bibles on another episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast!
Episode 16: Questions and Answers | Part 2 of 4
This week’s episode they search the scriptures seeking answers for a Q & A from a youth event. Come join them with your Bibles open as they discuss these questions and many more in this 4 part series on The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 15: Questions and Answers | Part 1 of 4
This week Aaron and Scott answer some questions from a youth event. Can you take pumpkin juice for the Lord’s supper? What about Dinosaurs roaming the earth? Come join us with your Bibles as we discuss these questions and many more in this 4 part series right here on The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 14: Once Saved Always Saved? | Part 3 of 3
Aaron and Scott finish the last part of the Once Saved Always Saved discussion using scriptures from the Bible.
Follow along with your Bibles open in this Part 3 of 3 episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 13: Once Saved Always Saved? | Part 2 of 3
Are we really born in sin?
Aaron and Scott In this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast will look at various passages and chapters of the Bible to disprove this doctrine of “Once Saved Always Saved”. Follow along with your Bibles open to find out in this Part 1 of 3 episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 12: Once Saved Always Saved? | Part 1 of 3
In this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast, Aaron and Scott look at scriptures on the topic: Once Saved Always Saved. Can we really JUST accept Jesus and live a normal life, or do we need to DO MORE? Follow along with your Bibles open to find out in this Part 1 of 3 episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 11: Mark: The Gospel of Power – Ch. 2:14-28
Why did the Pharisees constantly go against the grain with Jesus and his disciples? What did Jesus say about King David to the Pharisees? Can WE add to the law as Christians today? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this week’s The Authentic Christian Podcast episode.
Episode 10: Mark: The Gospel of Power | Ch. 1:29-2:13
How did Jesus draw such large crowds everywhere he went? Why were the Pharisees so determined to find fault in His teachings? Is faith really what healed the lame man? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 9: Mark: The Gospel of Power | Ch. 1:1-28
What did Jesus’s disciples forsake in order to follow Him? Their jobs? Their homes? Even their families? Would you be willing to do the same for Christ? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 8: The Gospel Of Mark – Intro
Who was the writer of the Gospel of Mark? What all do we know about him from scripture? Does his inspired gospel have any significance amongst the others? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 7: Habakkuk: Minor Prophet, Major Message | Part 2
How do we respond during challenging times in life? Do we have the proper attitude towards God, or do we become focused on our own desires and what we want? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 6: Habakkuk: Minor Prophet, Major Message | Part 1
Why does God allow evil things to happen in this world? Are we allowed to question God the way Habakkuk did? Is there a reason for why our society is the way it is? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Do you find yourself struggling to stand out from the crowd? Are we like the Israelites when they demanded an earthly king in place of God? Is being a light to the world an ongoing challenge for Christians today? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 4: The Importance of Christian Growth
Is it important for Christians to continue growing in their faith? Do we ever truly know enough of the Bible, or should we spend our entire lives studying the Word? How crucial is it for us to grow spiritually? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in this episode of The Authentic Christian Podcast.
Episode 3: Resurrection Timeline
Taking all the Gospel accounts together, do you know the timeline of Jesus after His death on the cross? How often did He appear to His disciples? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in Part 3 of the kickoff to Season 4.
Episode 2: Did The Resurrection Actually Happen?
Did Jesus really raise from the dead? Is the miraculous resurrection even possible, or is it just a mythical legend? Can we really believe in miracles that we haven’t seen with our own two eyes? Aaron and Scott dive into these questions in Part 2 of the kickoff to Season 4.
Episode 1 Season Premiere: Did Jesus Exist? Or Was He a Myth?
Did Jesus really exist? Did He perform all of the miraculous deeds the Bible says He did? Or was He just a supernatural myth? Aaron and Scott explore these questions in Part 1 of the kickoff to Season 4.
Season 3
Episode 26 Season Finale: The Battle of Armageddon: The Biblical History & Significance
What is the battle of Armageddon really about in the book of Revelation? As the Season 3 finale, we are going to breakdown the one of the most misinterpreted topics in the Bible.
Episode 25: THE LIFE OF KING DAVID | What Can We Learn?
Most people can remember the story of how Goliath was defeated or the sins that took place with Bathsheba and Uriah, but have we ever stopped to think about how God remembered King David? Today we are going to look and see what we can learn from one of the most famous Old Testament people, King David, and what we can learn from him: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Episode 24: The Ethiopian Eunuch
What can we learn from the Ethiopian Eunuch? What is the value of one soul?
Episode 23: The Good Samaritan | Parable Explained
What can we learn from one of the most popular parables, the good Samaritan? Would we be willing to take care of others with the same love? And does Jesus really mean that we have to treat everyone with love? Today we are going to breakdown the Biblical parable and walk away with principles that can help us understand how to love better, grow our faith stronger, and always return to the Lord’s Words to provide us the best wisdom.
Episode 22: Lessons We Can Learn From KING JEROBOAM
Do you know who Jeroboam is in the Old Testament? A ruler of the northern kingdom of Israel who caused them to sin no less than twenty times. Today we are going to breakdown the lessons we can learn from a powerful king with a rebellious heart against God.
Episode 21: Malachi: Minor Prophet, Major Message | PART 2
Have you ever studied the Minor Prophets? Sometimes we shy away from studying them because we aren’t even sure we can learn how to pronounce them! When we study them however, we find out that they are minor only in size. Their messages are timeless and important for spiritual growth!
Episode 20: Malachi: Minor Prophet, Major Message | PART 1
Have you ever studied the Minor Prophets? Sometimes we shy away from studying them because we aren’t even sure we can learn how to pronounce them! When we study them however, we find out that they are minor only in size. Their messages are timeless and important for spiritual growth!
Episode 19: What Does The Bible Say About HEAVEN?
Throughout time people have always talked about the afterlife, where we go when we die, or what Heaven and Hell could be like. Earlier this season, we talked about what the Bible says about Hell (also known as Torment), who it was originally designed for, and what it will be like for those who don’t obey the Gospel. Today, we are going to break down what Scriptures says about Heaven (also known as Paradise), what it will be like, and not only how we can go there but how to be aware of things that could help us miss it.
Episode 18: Overcoming Obstacles to Evangelism
Sharing your faith can be difficult. With people coming from different backgrounds and walks of life, you can face many obstacles on getting the courage to share the Gospel with someone. So what are some ways that can help overcome it? On today’s podcast, we are going to talk about a few tips that can help us grow in evangelism.
Episode 17: What is Legalism? Jesus Speaks To The Pharisees and Scribes
As we continue our conversation about legalism, let’s breakdown what Jesus said to the Pharisees and Scribes in Matthew 23.
Have you ever been called a legalist or told that “you’re like the Pharisees”? Could those accusations be true, or are they being used out of context? Is it considered legalism to try and keep all of Jesus’ commandments? Or, are you a Pharisee if you strive to do everything that God says? Let’s breakdown the true biblical context and meaning of what legalism is all about.
Episode 15: The Book of REVELATION
What is the book of Revelation truly about? Should we be scared to read it? How does it apply to Christians today? Join us as we breakdown the overall context of one of the most popular epistles.
Is there an exact age or level when a person becomes accountable to God for their sins? The Bible teaches us that when we are born, we are innocent and without sin. With this question being one of the most common questions people ask, let’s try our best to break it down by using the comforting Words of God.
Episode 13: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Biblical Authority for New Testament Worship + Common Objections
Does the Bible give us authority to use musical instruments during worship? Let’s see what the Bible says about God’s design for worship in the New Testament as well as break down common objections to musical instruments and Christian worship.
Episode 12: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: God’s Design For New Testament Worship + Facts About Church History
Can Christians use musical instruments in worship? Let’s see what the Bible says about God’s design of worship in the New Testament as well as breakdown facts that are revealed to us when we look at church history.
Episode 11: The Illegal Arrest and Unjust Trial of Jesus
Did you know that not only was the nighttime arrest but the unfair trial as well of Jesus Christ was completely illegal and planned? After one of His own disciples, Judas Iscariot, traded vital information about Him to the chief priests and scribes for an exchange for thirty pieces of silver, the plotting of Jesus death began. Today, we are going to breakdown in detail everything that happened to Jesus illegally starting with His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Episode 10: The Difference Between God in The Old & New Testament
People say that there is a significant difference between God in the Old and the New Testament. The claim is that He used to be full of wrath and justice but is now focused on forgiveness and love. But is this true, or could it simply be propaganda? What if God has been the same all along?
Episode 9: What Does The Bible Say About Church Leadership?
How did God design leadership roles in the church? Comparing the Bible with Christian culture, can a woman be a preacher? Is a pastor and a preacher the same thing? What do deacons do?
Episode 8: What Does Your Social Media and Reputation Say About Your Christian Walk?
If someone followed you on social media or heard about your reputation, how would it align with your Christian walk? Your reflection of Christ? Today we are going to breakdown how the impact of our Christian influence can be heavily affected by what we post on social media and our lifestyle.
Episode 7: Should A Christian Be A Doormat?
Should a Christian be a doormat? What did Jesus mean by “turning the other cheek”? Today we are going to breakdown how Christians should respond to people when they hurt or persecute them.
Episode 6: Does The Holy Spirit Speak DIRECTLY To People Today?
Does the Holy Spirit speak directly to people today? With so many answers in Christian culture floating around, let’s look to the inspired book that the Holy Spirit wrote to find the truth.
Episode 5: Does God Accept ALL FORMS of Worship?
Does the Bible say that God accepts all forms of worship? Is it acceptable to use instruments? Is it right to use only your voice? How did the Christians in the New Testament worship? What did the Bible authorize when it comes to how we are suppose to worship God?
Episode 4: What Does The Bible Say About Hell?
What does the Bible say about Hell? Who was Hell created for? What is Hell called?
Episode 3: What Does The Bible Say About Church Discipline?
Propaganda about church disciple distributed by news outlets to online articles has gone viral over the last several years. Is there truth behind the cancel culture being promoted? What does the Bible say about church disciple?
Episode 2: Rightly Dividing Today’s Entertainment | A Guide for Christians
What should a Christian listen to and watch in today’s entertainment? How do we rightly decide which movies, TV shows, and music we engage in? Today we are going to tackle this question using scripture as our guide to rightly dividing today’s popular entertainment.
Episode 1: The Chronological Breakdown of The Bible
Not only are we breaking down the chronological order of the Bible and the biblical reasons behind it, but we are also providing a free poster, bonus video, and resources to help grow your faith and knowledge in God’s Word.
Season 2
Episode 27: Parts 1-4 The Authentic Christian’s Response to James White and Radio Free Geneva
Recently Dr. James White with Radio Free Geneva received one of our podcast episodes and reviewed our thoughts on Calvinism. In this special four-part Season Finale, we will be responding to his video and comparing it to the Bible.
Episode 26: What is Modern Idolatry?
Many of us know the stories of how people created idols to worship in the past, but what about today? Do people struggle with idolatry? And if so, how do we deal with it?
Episode 25: What are False Gospels?
If the Bible warns us that false gospels and teachers are in the world, shouldn’t we keep our eyes open for them?
Episode 24: Breaking Down the Book of Romans
Today we are going to break down the book of Romans by looking at the context, how people are misusing it today, and the overview of its entirety.
Episode 23: Which Church Should You Join?
With all of the different beliefs in the world, one might wonder which church should you join?
Episode 22: What is God’s Purpose for Marriage?
Marriage is one of the many beautiful gifts from God. So today we are going to talk about why marriage was created, how it reflects Christ and His church, the purpose for such a special relationship, and how it was never meant to be broken.
Episode 21: Why is Apologetics Important For Our Faith?
Why is it important to defend what we believe? Today, we are going to talk about the value of apologetics for our faith.
Episode 20: Who is The Anti-Christ: Part Two
As we continue our talk about the Anti-Christ, the end times, and apostasy, another popular question that is always asked is, “Who is the Man of Sin in 2 Thessalonians 2?”
Episode 19: Who is the Anti-Christ?
Every generation believes they are in the end times and looks to public figures to answer the question, “Who is the Anti-Christ?” So let’s talk about it.
With everything going on in the world, we want to take a moment to not only realize the sanctity of life but what Scripture says on the topic of abortion.
What was God’s original design for relationships and marriage? Today we are going to talk about homosexuality and the LGBTQ+ to see what the Bible shares about them.
Many people struggle with watching porn. It can become a destructive habit that will affect your perspective on the way God designed the special relationship in a marriage. In this podcast, we are going to talk about the evil behind pornography, how to break the pattern of watching it, and the way God designed sex for marriage.
Episode 15: The Ten Commandments
Are we still under the Ten Commandments? Today, we’re going to discuss whether or not a Christian has to follow them or are their principles carried over into the New Testament (except one) that we should live by?
What responsibilities do I have as a Christian for not only the spiritual blessings in my life but materially and financially?
Episode 13: Miraculous Gifts: Part Two
Would miraculous gifts be around forever or for a specific period of time? Although many share that they have miraculous powers, what does God’s word say about the purpose and timing for miracles?
Episode 12: Miraculous Gifts: Part One
Do people today have the miraculous gifts the Apostles had in the New Testament? Many claim that they do, but what does the Scriptures say? Grab your coffee and Bible because we are going to be talking about their purpose, the passing the power, and “the Perfect.”
Who did Jesus die for? Do you have a choice in being a Christian? Can you fall from grace? In this second part, we continue our discussion about Calvinism and if it is true or not.
Did Jesus die for everyone? What about free will or original sin? Are we totally depraved? Today, we’re breaking down the doctrine of Calvinism (TULIP)
What is purpose of the Lord’s Supper? How often should we do it?
Episode 8: The church of Christ: Part 2
People say many different things but what is true? So today, we’re breaking down some of the accusations against the church of Christ.
Episode 7: The church of Christ: Part 1
Let’s take a time machine and go back to the day when the first people obeyed the Gospel. Because in a world that is more confusing than ever, we need to answer the question, “Is it possible to simply be the Christians we read about in our New Testament, or not?”
Is the rapture real? How does Jesus come back?
Episode 5: The Devil’s Playbook
How do we outsmart the Devil? By knowing his “playbook.” We’re going to talk about how to fight temptation, how Satan works, and the hope that we have as Christians when we face each new day.

Episode 4: How Does Bible Translation Work: Part 2
How do we know if the Bible was written down properly over time? What are some of the accusations? What are the facts?
Episode 3: How Does Bible Translation Work: Part 1
How did we get our Bible? Like how do we know it is authentic? What proof do we have? With so much to pack into this podcast, we decided to make this one a two-part episode. So get ready!
MORE DINOSAURS! Last time the guys started the conversation about the spiritual application we can learn from the creation of dinosaurs. In this second part, join them as the continue that discussion diving into more proof, lessons learned, and what it means for us as Christians. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
WE’RE BACK… WITH DINOSAURS! Join the guys as they launch their second season by talking about the spiritual importance of whether or not dinosaurs walked the earth with man. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Season 1
Episode 27: What is The Good News
What happened in the last 36 hours of Jesus’ life? For the season finale, let’s talk about the Good News of the Gospel, a special announcement, and our thoughts on what Season One has meant to us in this final episode.
Episode 26: How We Became Christians
Each of us came from different upbringings. So how were we introduced to the Gospel? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 25: Identifying the New Testament Church
Put your First Century glasses on and see how to identify the church talked about in the New Testament. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 24: Two Thousand Years of Church History
We’re going to try to cover 2,000 years of Church History in 28 minutes. Let’s go! Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 23: Being Forgiven and Staying Forgiven
Walking in the light. The possibility of falling away. Let’s talk all the details on forgiveness. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 22: What We Are Thankful For
It’s that time of the year. As Christians, we should be thankful. So today, we are going to share what we are grateful for. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
How do we talk to the Creator? Join Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, and Tucker Wallace as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 20: What if You are The Only Christian
Wherever you are in life, from high school to the nursing home, what do you do when you are the only Christian? Whether that be at work, at college, or even in your family, how do you respond? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 19: Jesus and Politics
The Creator not only spoke the universe into existence but He also came up with the government. So, let’s talk about Jesus and politics. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 18: Why Do We Face Hard Times
Each person has mountain top moments, but what happens when we go through the valley of hard times? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 17: Is the Church Made of Perfect People
Is the church full of hypocrites or perfect people? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 16: How to Walk in The Light
What does it mean “to walk in the light” as a Christian? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Life is hard. So how should we handle addictions? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 14: How to Love Your Enemies
As you grow up, there will be people who don’t like you. So how do you love your enemies? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 13: How to Deal with Criticism
We will all deal with it. Therefore, how should we respond to criticism? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 12: What is Biblical Love
Today, let’s talk about love but from a biblical perspective. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 11: What if You Could Go Back to High School
What if you could go back to high school and talk to your younger self? What advice would you tell yourself? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 10: How to Share Jesus at a Coffee Shop
How do you share Jesus at a coffee shop or anywhere you go? Today we are going to talk about how to use the best of our time to reach others. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 9: Objections to Baptism
Water baptism. Is it just a symbol? Or, is it necessary to be saved? We know this is controversial, but we want to show you that we’re not believing this for some random reason. We’ve studied this topic specifically for years (in English + in Greek) because we didn’t want to be wrong about this one. So today, we are going to talk about objections to the idea of being baptized in water. Thanks for hanging with us. Let’s simply look to God’s Word together. Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 8: How to Become a Christian
Many groups of faith each say something different, but how does a person become a Christian the same way people did in the New Testament? Join Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, and Tucker Wallace as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 7: What is An Authentic Christian
With all the different groups of faith, life can be confusing. So, what is an authentic Christian? Join Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, and Tucker Wallace as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 6: How is Christianity Different
How is Christianity different? Join Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, and Tucker Wallace as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 5: Do We Believe Everything in The Bible
Is it important to believe what the Bible says in its actual pages? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 4: What Should We Do with The Bible
So, you own a Bible. But what should you do with it? Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Join Aaron, Scott, and Tucker as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Episode 2: Why Should We Believe the Bible
Many claim their books are from God. So, why should we believe the Bible? How do we know it is from God? Join Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, and Tucker Wallace as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
Where did we come from? Why are we here? What are our origins? Join Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, and Tucker Wallace as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response.
What does it mean to be an authentic Christian? Join Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, and Tucker Wallace as they discuss the everyday struggle of a Christian, culturally relevant topics, and the Biblical principles that should guide their response. New Episodes will be released every Wednesday. So grab your Bibles and join them. Sponsored by the Gospel Broadcasting Network.